Being friends is about sharing our lives with others. There are some aspects of our lives that require that we spend a lot of time together or a lot of writing to help convey our feelings. Other times sharing only a few words are more than adequate. It is not always the long conversation that conveys the deepest feelings.

Friends Are The Sunshine Of Life...!!

 Friendship is a best way to express their feelings
that can be happy and worst both. As we can say that
an stranger person come in our life and change our
life. Friends also convert all sorrows to happiness.
We can also categories our friends as below:

  • Cute Friends

  • Best Friends

  • Friends Forever

  • True Friends

  • Sweet Friends

  • Family Friends

  • Internet Friends

                Friendship Famous Quotes

  • Make new friends, but keep the old, Those are silver, these are gold.

  • A single rose can be my garden, a single friend is my world.

  • A friend is a gift you give yourself.

  • Friendship is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

  • Friendship is Love without his wings!

Ending a Friendship

Friendships end for many different reasons. Sometimes friends move away from each other and are forced to move on due to the distance. Friendships may end by fading quietly away or may end suddenly & also break due to miss-understanding.

Friendship Gallery

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