Reasons for the Trackpoint
1. You never have to let you fingers leave the keys. You can just move your pointer finger over and move the mouse and then click while still on the asdf key sets.
2. It is easy to use and learn on.
3. Takes up less space on the laptop. This is not an issue with todays Monster desktop replacements.
4. I find it very accurate.
Reasons for the Touchpad
1. Touchpad allows for multiple functions – scroll, slide, click and application launching
2. It seems to cause less stress on the wrist when using
Failures of the trackpoint
1. The pointer stick often gets dirty (kinda sticky)
2. You may hit it by accident when typing
3. There is not scrolling option unless you have a newer IBM.
Failures of the touch pad
1. People often hit it it when they are moving their wrists or fingers.
2. Difficult to learn quickly or use accurately
3. You cannot use it with one hand.
4. It can get very dirty , chips and dip are not very nice to the touchpad.

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